

  1. Implements new UI features
  2. Changes light mode colors
  1. Removed play indicator from ThreadItem
  1. Fixes duration issue for users with Firefox
  2. Fixes missing device labels for Firefox and Linux
  3. Fixes duplicate submission issue when inviting friend
May 20, 2021


  1. Quicker & easier sending of video and photo yacs
  2. New visual identity with thinner fonts and sharper lines
  3. Brand new preview player and visualizer
  4. Add topics and subject lines to yacs before or after you send
  5. Transcripts now have ML powered paragraph breaks for easy reading
  6. Yay! Threading! You can now thread messages under other messages for context
  7. Your tab bar no longer floats above your messages. It's clean and simple
  8. Brand new swiping actions for snooze, quick reply, and threading
  9. Completely re-worked mobile network message queuing and improved support for slow connections
  10. ML powered smart mentions in transcripts when talking about someone on your team
May 17, 2021


  1. Adds calendar filtering on Search view
  2. Implements @mention functionality in transcript body
  3. Implements new sidebar design!
  4. Changes unread view to thread-based layout
  5. Adds Unread shortcut empty state to all thread views
  6. Swaps icons, adds 'Reply with Thread' feature if child comment is new, then shows parent as also new
  7. Fixes issue when user sends hyperlink with other content. Will now parse link preview server's response
  8. Adds new unread empty state
  9. Adds setting option to disable noise suppression on client
  10. Adds Download Yac for Desktop popup
  11. Adds opt-out of analytics. Adds forwarded message on information in Thread Item
  12. Adds user player to preview before screen sharing
  13. Implements new image viewer component
  14. Implements new child recording flow
  1. Visibility of decorative play button change on messages
  2. Properly cleans out target Meta attributes, prevents old info from reappearing
  3. Reintroduces thread icon on hover for child messages
  4. Adds paywall for channels and entire desktop app if the user is unpaid
  5. Changed terminology from 'Reply to Thread' to 'Reply in Thread'
  6. Changes copy to opt-out analytics
  7. Changes copy for 'Play all Messages' button to 'Play New Messages'
  8. Changes default html file's title
  9. Changes wavesurfer to utilize global audio context instead of creating a new one
  1. If messages are over 24hr old, show formatted date instead
  2. Fixes issue causing Transcription to throw webaudio-related error when screen sharing or using webcam
  3. Forces transcription to fully reset between sessions
  4. Fixes issue causing side-pane to go blank during autoplay
  5. Fixes various bugs on Mozilla Firefox
  6. Fixes issue causing play button to appear atop audio-only elements
  7. Fixes issue causing raw HTML to appear on form input for edit transcription capabilities
  8. Fixes issue causing reply to show unread state when all child comments are from the sender
  9. Fixes bad detection for email/web links
  10. Fixes spacing on 'Play all messages' button
  11. Fixes issue when user sends hyperlink with other content will now parse link preview servers response
  1. Removes health check logic
  2. Removes newlines, and white space in transcription collapsed preview
  3. Removes 'play new messages' button from unread tab
May 12, 2021


  1. 'Invite Friend' button added
  2. Adds dismiss button on all paywall types
  1. Mutes into video
  2. Re-enables add to Team
  3. Adds spacebar as a trigger to stop recording

  1. Prevents conflict between video pop-up and paywall
  2. Prevents settings view from conflicting with with automatic theme switching
  3. Fixed bug in threads when clicking on forward user
  4. Fixed issue causing certain props of session not to reload on open app
  5. Fixed logic pertaining to quick replies on messages with pre-existing child replies

April 29, 2021


  1. Adds link preview when hovering over a message's hyperlink
  2. Adds ability to click on forwarded user's name and open their profile inside Yac
  3. Adds better network handling for connectivity loss
  1. Adds information message on web if user tries activating both webcam and screen recording
  2. Changes alignment of 'Floating Action Button'
  1. Adds auto-retry for login on Auth view, to prevent reported backend race condition issues
  2. Adds missing "Start Recording" state for web deeplink recorder activation
  3. Refactors play all duration
March 26, 2021


  1. Changes text on Toolbar component
  2. Increases delay to prevent deep-linking/analytics race condition
  1. Refactors analytics.js plugin
  2. Changes user Id to string for Segment API
March 16, 2021


  1. Channels are now called groups!
  2. Scroll to top of list on Groups, Inbox, Teams views when message is sent
  3. Adds more specific messaging for snoozing
  1. Removes local opt-out analytics functionality
  1. Fixes bug causing friends list to refer to full friends of reply state
  2. Removes visibility condition for Leave Group
  3. Fixes issue causing Windows 10 to not always register deep-linked URLs
  1. Temporarily hides opt-out settings option
March 15, 2021


  1. Show sender image instead of group image when previewing message
  1. Fixed additional bugs in deeplinks
  2. Prevents showing network error if local network is actually offline
  3. Fixes bug preventing sender from deleting messages in new channels
  4. Allows selecting text in transcription previews
  5. Fixes bug causing snoozed messages to not always show as expected
  6. Fixes bug preventing pagination sometimes
March 4, 2021


  1. Landscape mode for iPad!
February 25, 2021


  1. Add hashtags to your edited transcripts and tap them to find all messages with those topics
February 20, 2021


  1. Adds native support for Apple Silicon systems
  2. Adds new floating action button
  1. Changes annotation dock styling
  2. Changes default annotation dock color to Yac yellow
  1. Fixes missing enter key handler in search bar
  2. Fixes missing pagination in 'Share' drawer
  3. Prevents user gesture handler in desktop environment
February 19, 2021


  1. Adds "Delete Channel" to dropdown on channel view
  2. Adds "Copy Invite Link" to three-dot dropdown in group conversation
  3. Adds full hashtag support in transcripts and search components
  4. Scroll ability as playing messages in autoplay and custom play views
  1. Prevents push notification on app launch when unread messages are present
  2. Prevents push notifications on app power state restored state
  3. Changes 'Duration Time' to count down instead of counting up
  1. Fixes reactivity issues with snoozed messages
  2. Prevents global loading bar from triggering when messages are updating in background
  3. Makes media select window visible on all workspaces
  4. Increased search speed
February 18, 2021

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If you have any questions about these updates, let us know.